Monday, December 29, 2008

Nerdcore used to be just a made-up word. What occurred?

"This song goes out to those with coke bottle glasses, to all you lonely kids who were the last picked in gym classes. We got your back, detract your malefactors - all you up in the back, unite like Thundercats!" - 2 Skinee J's

Throughout the early 90's, the alternative rock bars and clubs of the Pacific-Northwest and the bedrooms and back alley mixing studios of South-East L.A. both gave birth to new forms of stylistic music, progressive hip-hop and and grunge. Both genres reached mainstream success despite the disinterest by major record labels and radio stations. However, in the ten years since their respective inceptions, gangster rap and hip-hop and grunge rock have become over-saturated and cliche. The true angst and social-disappointment which the original artists held no longer exists, making music like hip-hop, more about "bitches", "smack" and "glocks" and less about the results of government marginalization and neglect.

What new, imaginative and original form of music has reared its head in the recent past? What stylistic genre can we look towards for genuineness and candid lyrics? Like Luke Skywalker sneaking into Jabba's pleasure palace in Return of the Jedi, Nerdcore Hip-Hop has crawled unnoticed into the periphery of the music mainstream. Nerdcore rap and hip-hop is music by nerds for nerds. Like its predecessors in Washington and Compton, L.A., Nerdcore is all self-produced and distributed, its artists (for the most part) release their work for free on the internet. Like its predecessors it speaks to the interests and concerns of its audience. And, like its predecessors, Nerdcore is widely experimental and its capacities are still undiscovered. Despite this, the genre and its notable artists possess a loyal and stalwart fan-base.

Above all, Nerdcore should not be confused with a parody genre. The music is not meant as a "witty twist" on mainstream rap. Nerdcore hip-hop and rap would exist irrelevant of the progression of mainstream music. Its origins lie with New York and San Francisco-based scenes, whose most notable artists include Deltron 3030, Dr. Octagon and MF Doom. These rappers wrote music before the term "Nerdcore hip hop" was coined in 2000 by MC Frontalot, yet explored themes outside traditional rap culture, rhyming about science-fiction, comic books and video games.

"I'm in the hood you know, I keep a fully loaded AWP, Pwnin' n00bs for EXP, I gotta get that gwap." - EZ Mac

What Nerdcore hip hop represents is this: the death of wide-stream and watered-down music. The mentality that a single style of music can catch the permanent interest of the globe may be the dream (once realised throughout the 90's in the form of Pop music) of a marketing executive, but is not what the future holds. In an era where anyone, like these nerdcore artists, can mix, blend and create their own unique form of music, more and more niches will erupt, giving rise to more personal and specialised forms of musical art. While the nerds and geeks of the world may have been the first to exploit the available technology, artists from every walk of life will be sure to follow. Say good bye to Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys and say hello to ZeaLous1 and Optimus Rhyme.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

From Norrath to Northrend: The Realities of Onling Gaming Addiction

With each year, we see a growing number of news stories which chronicle the misadventures of online gaming addicts. These new media dependants participate in video game over-use and obsession, most of them suffering in some form or another. From neglected children to community-assisted suicide, each report becomes more and more farcical. As a campus of 45,000 students, St. George hosts its fair share of gamers, but how many can be considered to be a part of this cultural singularity of gaming addiction. Are video games as innately addictive and destructive as these stories lead the readers to believe? Experts, legislators and gamers each hold their respective opinions concerning the subject...

The disappearance and death of Brandon Crisp, a 15 year old who left his Barrie, Ontario home after his Xbox 360 was taken from him, fueled nation-wide concern towards video game addiction and obsession. Parents across Canada grew fearful that their own children were as dangerously enraptured as Brandon with computer and console games. While members of parliament scattered to pass bills, in an attempt to assuage these fears, the psychology behind video game addiction remains embryonic.

In an interview in 2005, Dr. Maressa Orzack of McLean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts estimated that 40% of the 10 million (now 12 million) players of the MMORPG World of Warcraft are addicted, a figure she obtained from a survey conducted by the "Daedalus Project". Dr. Brody, head of the media committee at the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, puts forth his beliefs that online gaming addiction stems from a predilection to or affliction from other psychological problems including anti-social personality disorder, depression, social anxiety disorder and other phobias. This notion concludes that the online gaming addiction will, most likely, only affect individuals who possess a predisposition to it.

So do, according to Dr. Orzack’s estimation, 40% of WoW players suffer from or have propensities to suffer from social disorders? Unlikely, and yet this isn’t surprising as the McLean Hospital researcher came under widespread criticism from her peers as a result of this claim. This seems to be the fate associated with doctor’s who claim the ubiquity of online gaming addiction. While most gamers enjoy video games in a healthy and safe manner, the industry comes under constant fire as the severity and preposterousness of stories increases.

This gamer is a "rocket-whoring son of a cock-monger", a colloquial term for a skilled player

With the recent introduction of Blizzard’s newest WoW expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, there have been 10 documented deaths up until this point. While all of these deaths, save for that of a baby whose negligent father was too busy playing to feed him, were secluded to irresponsible gamers, the press has done its fair part in inflating and exaggerating the danger of these games.

Upon my suggestion of playing World of Warcraft to close friends, almost all reply, “I don’t want to get addicted”. This reaction, in fact this entire phenomenon, is the result of misinformation. Video games possess no documented addictive properties outside of those related to any social activity. One is more likely to become addicted to chocolate in fact, due to its chemically enticing properties. It shocks me that most acquaintances are perfectly willing to indulge in a game of Call of Duty 4 (the same game which – indirectly – led to the death of local - Brandon Crisp), while they are opposed to so much as trying the trial which game developer, Blizzard, offers for WoW. Video game addiction can be said to be the result of genetic predisposition, personal characteristics, and in many cases, social context.

Some countries, including Canada, South Korea, China, the Netherlands and the United States, have responded to the observed threat of video games by opening specialized medical institutions. These facilities do their best to acclimate victims of addiction to conventionally accepted social activity. The strategies which they employ, however, are not vastly different from those applied to alcoholics, debtors or over-eaters. In this sense, the psychopharmacology and therapy of video game addicts is not unique.

It might simply be a generational gap which promotes this misunderstanding; while alcoholism has been accepted as a rare and circumstantially afflictive disease, online gaming addiction has not. Hopefully, these media endorsed fallacies can be removed from the public mentality in time. Until then, I hope to see you all in the Eye of Eternity, I can’t kill Malygos the Steward of the Blue Dragonflight by myself!

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Story of Stellar Stone LLC

My recent post which named Big-Rigs: Over the Road Racing as the best game of the year, has become a controversial one. I have received threats upon my life, antrax-laced mail and my own mother has claimed never to speak to me again. Despite this overwhelming disapproval of my belief in Big Rigs, I stand firm by my conviction. The following is my argument, and upon reading it, I am confident any sane, level-headed individual will see value in it, eventually joining me in my praise of Big Rigs, as the greatest video game ever developed.

Most contemporary review criteria are based on 4 important factors: Graphics, sound, story and gameplay. I don't normally enjoy criticising games in such an uninspired, rudimentary way, but, to shed all doubt of Big Rigs' perfection, I will make an exception. So, here I give you the ultimate review of Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing by Stellar Stone LLC.


Recent studies have proven that most teens possess an inate desire to truck, truck it out, or keep on trucking. Big Rigs appeals to all of these predilictions. The game is simply put: a racing simulation, which puts you in the cab of a truck, speeding through such famous American trucking routes, including "Devil's Passage 1", "City" and "Devil's Passage 2". The objective is to reach the destination before the competition does. This objective is executed fantastically, emulating perfectly the exhiliarting and simulating experience of being a real American trucker, zooming down long interstate stretches. In reality, of the four maps, only Devil's Passage 1 and 2 can be played, whereas the latter 2 cause a crash of the game. But who really wanted to play them, Devil's Passage rocks!

Flight is perfectly possible in Stellar Stone's newest trucking adventure!

The artificial intelligence competitors do not move from the starting line; a troubling realisation at first. A recent press release from Stellar Stone reveals they built the game with the physically handicapped in mind. How terrible would it be for a young, crippled boy to be beaten by an incompassionate AI? Instead, Stellar Stone LLC elimated the competition, gratifying the crippies of the world in knowing they beat the enemy!




Big Rig's has no soundtrack, no music, no sound effects. While this avant-garde approach to sound development may shock many gamers, the result is spectacular. Without the buzz and whir of a radio, a humming exhaust pipe, or passing traffic, the player's mind becomes clear, focusing on the road ahead, and the competing truckers behind. It is very powerful and therapeutic indeed.


The final criterion for a great game; the graphical milestones which Big Rigs has overcome are astonishing. Forget the pathetic achievements of Crytek, Rockstar and Infinity Ward, stand before the glory of Stellar Stone LLC, an accolade which only Ukranian and Western Russian minds could conceivably attain. Yes, in the department of graphics, Big Rigs is truly a 'chef d'oevre'.

Each rig looks used, worn and bent in a realistic manner. The light sourcing adds to the glossy look of the game, by providing a soothing finish to each model; complete with shaders and anisotropic texture filtering! Made in 2003, few computers today in 2008/09 can run Big Rigs at its highest graphical settings.

A completely destructible world is your to explore using the patented "ULTRANAV"!

To conclude, Big Rigs is a game which is artistic, moving and ahead-of-the-curve in every manner. I say with great pride that I will stand and defend my claims to the greatness of Big Rigs and their Russian developers, Stellar Stone. I can say with certainty, that had Big Rigs never been developed or released, I would surely have taken my life already.

The knowledge that a Big Rigs MMO is currently in development keeps hope alive in my heart, and the rat poison away from my coffee mug. Thank you Stellar Stone, my life now has meaning!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

You're Winner!

"Most Content Per Dollar"

Winner: Wrath of the Lich King
Runner-up(s): Fall out 3


If you're looking for sheer economic sensibility, then Blizzard's latest expansion "Wrath of the Lich King" to their wildly popular MMORPG franchise, World of Warcraft, packs more content in its 39.99$ package than anything this writer can think of. While you may feel slightly intimidated by the sheer wealth of entertainment to be had on the single DVD disk, rest assured, your money is going to a good place. I have spent close to 30 hours of play, and I've only reached Northrend's third zone, and I'm only level 74. Keep in mind, I'm a very economic leveller, so the average player could spend in the range of twice as long. From Dalaran to Dragonblight, from Vent arguments to Violet Hold, from Chinese gold farmers to Chinese item farmers.....Wrath of the Lich King truly has something for everyone!

"Best Played With Real Life Friends"

Winner: Gears of War 2
Runner-up(s): Little Big Planet
Failures: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Yes, I said it. Fuck that shit.)

Rest assured, Little Big Planet came in a close astonishingly close second, but Gears of War 2 possesses something LBP never could, stylized alien entrails. While LBP is fun, creative and (to a cold, cybernetic robot) shockingly cute, Co-operative Gears of War 2 appeals to a sense I never knew I possessed: the desire to abandon my friends in Horde mode, just as our last ditch effort appears doomed. Normally, this occurs as we reach wave 30 or 40; just when everyone's trust in me has been solidified, and just as the enemy gathers, surrounding us, I made my move! Dashing past the oncoming Mulchers and Tickers, I hide in some isolated sector of the map, as my friends are left to die dishonourable and uncourageous deaths.

Yes, the cries from across the couch and over the microphone as I abandon my best friends to the damning fate associated with 3 boomers and a wave of Theron guards are novel beyond description. Call me an asshole, but treachery and back-stabbing seem to be hard-wired into me.

Your head asplode!

"Best Played Online"

Winner: Left 4 Dead

Left 4 Dead represents a mile-stone not only in the astonishingly successful catalogue of Steam-hosted and presented games, but in online gaming in general. L4D forces players to co-operate, co-ordinate and (in most cases) socialize to a degree unparalleled in history. As an indication, prior to the launch of L4D, there were maybe 10 people on my steam friends list; outside of Day of Defeat: Source clan members, and former CS e-buddies, I saw no sense in a continued correspondence with strangers online. Left 4 Dead changed all that. Last week, I spent 5 hours running through all the campaigns on expert mode with the same 3 people...I can safely conclude that I know, love and respect those three friends more than my immediate family members. Dirtybum, Stryker666, Ranilen....I'll always remember the good times!


Big pimpin

"Best Single Player Game"

Winner: Metal Gear Solid 4
Runner-ups: Dead Space, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Grand Theft Auto IV

Metal Gear Solid 4 possesses every artifice of an intelligent, dramatic and moving story. As a long-time series fan, it may be unfair that I selected Guns of the Patriots as my pick for the years best single player game. But it had it all. The camera controls and gunplay were not only a serious step up from series predeccesors, but among the best in the 3rd-person shooter genre. The story was cunning, intriguing and I swear on my life, when Meryl and Johnny had their backs against the wall, professing their love for one another, I almost cried. Also....I have yet to play a game which allows two old-men to fight street fighter style on top of an enormous mobile ICBMissile platform.

Big ups to Dead Space though. If you have the opportunity to play it, I encourage you to.

"Game of the Year"

Winner: Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing

nuff' said

Rave reviews!

As the year's end rapidly approaches, it has become difficult not to notice the shining, animated and (sometimes) noisy graphics draped across most gaming editorial and criticism web-pages. These graphics all inevitably advertise the same thing: the annual 'List of Best Games'. I, myself, have begun to get tired of this uninspired garbage...not only do most of these lists disagree, but the entire premise of definitively listing the years best games seems futile. Like films and literature, video games appeal to different tastes, demographics and realms of interest. Telling my father that he would have more fun with Gears of War 2 over Little Big Planet because the former is the "#2 best game of the year according to Gametrailers" seems counter-intuitive.

So....if you're having trouble approaching what may be the most successful catalogue of video games any year has offered in the past, buckle tight....I hereby give you....

Thank you for your patience.

You are entering the Dimension "X Minus One". Prepare to have your mind warped.